
Agenda & Minutes

Council Meetings

Ordinarily the Council holds its main meetings every first and third Wednesday of the month at 6 o’clock except during August when it is in recess. Generally meetings are open to the press and public to attend although sometimes the confidentiality of the item under discussion requires exclusion for part of them. The Council has a number of sub-committees that meet confidentially on an ad hoc basis. Agendas and minutes for public meetings will be available to download according to the schedule of meetings – see right hand side for download option.

The schedule of meetings for 2024/25 is available here (pdf).

Ordinarily the Council meets every third Wednesday of the month and holds a Finance and General Purpose Committee every first Wednesday. The Planning Committee meets twice monthly on the first and third Wednesdays. The Council has a number of other sub-committees and working groups that meet on an ad hoc basis according to the business to be transacted. The recommendations and / or minutes of these sub committees and groups are always reported to the Finance and General Purposes Committee or main Council.




Finance & General Purposes








Finance & General Purposes

